Monday, June 15, 2009

Good Times with the Egtwingersons

So we had quite a surprise on Sunday... who should show up at Lifebridge but Ashley Twing from Nashville, TN.  She arrived with her Memaw and Shine.  It was so great to attend church with them. Here are Ashley and Jared before service. Jared was getting ready for worship and Ashley was heading over to the coffee bar to get coffee.

Ev and Shine were kind enough to get close to create a photo op... they soooo knew they would end up on my blog!
While we were there, this hombre serenaded Brooklin with "You are my Sunshine".  She didn't quite know what to make of it. 

Kristi, Ashley and Shine... full of chips and salsa - ay yay yay yay... weren't we all!

Little Miss Brooklin.. such a beautiful girl.  She was having a grand time from the minute she sat down at the table and began to draw a "big, green, eel" on the paper tablecloth.  Guess who ripped that picture right out of the table cloth??? ask Memaw LOL
Brooklin posing with her favorite brother, guitar playing in the background.

 don't miss this video of Kameron's serenade, featuring La Bomba!

We love our friends and had a wonderful time with them... and the food wasn't too bad either!