Friday, June 12, 2009

Goodbye Small Group!

Well, its the end of the line for Small Groups.... at least until the fall.  Our small group had a wonderful time just hanging out, trying not to overeat.  Several women, who will remain nameless, snuck out to take a walk around the block because it was cooler outside than inside and because we needed to burn some dinner calories before dessert!

Doesn't that look yummy?  David looks like he's ready to dig in!

It looks like we had a hungry little princess too... right Brynn?

There's always time for hugs, right Mo'? Oh and did we plan to buy almost the same glasses?

Once dinner was over, we engaged in a round of Bocci Ball... never played it before, but I give it an 7 on a fun scale with 10 being the most fun ever.  I would definitely play it again.  
However, without naming names, let me just say there were some big time competitors out there!  'Nuf said!

Oh and John loves small group...and the Lakers... not necessarily in that order! LOL

Jenn and Eric enjoying the beautiful evening, unseasonably cool for Fresno in June.  

David and Lourdes all snuggled up like newly weds... could they get any cuter?

After worship practice Jared, Erin, Justin and Sholonda came over and joined in the fun.  

I have more pictures, but no more time.  More later!