Saturday, January 10, 2009

January, crisp January

What a beautiful January morning. Each roof sparkles in the morning sunshine with a thin crust of frost.  Steam rises from the ventilation pipes and the icy landing invites slipping and sliding.  Closing the door to the toasty home behind me and making my way down the stairs - dog in arms - my breath comes in wispy puffs, only to be swallowed up by glacial air. Gazing at the dazzling, beaded blades of grass, I marvel.  This picture is temporary and already fading as the sun reaches out with it's warm fingertips to brush away the crystalline tears left by the night. The brittle brown leaves so meticulously etched and outlined with frosty pen strokes will soon appear wet and wilted. But right now, in this quiet moment, with everything dusted in January's arctic glitter - I walk. I praise. I live in this moment God created for me to savor and I am astounded by His artistry. To make something so fleeting, so beautiful seems extravagant. But that's just how my Father is. 

Friends - Enjoy your wintery January Day wherever you are... and take a moment to think of the one who made it for you.



Sheri Twing said...

Spoken only as Jan can! How beautifully you captured January!

Four Lil Monkeys said...

HI Jan!! Not sure if you remember me, but I recognized you on Kristi's blog and thought I would check yours out. Looks like you are kinda new to this blog thing - I was reading back to when you figured out how to upload pictures!! That was too cute, only cause I remember being exactly where you were!!! Anyway, hello and hope you don't mind me getting to know you a little better in blogland!!