Thursday, December 11, 2008

My First Blog

Ok, so this thing should come with training wheels. It's a good thing I'm not afraid of pointing and clicking randomly and hoping for things to magically appear!  Anyway, this is the first ever post. I have no pictures, nothing to report but I couldn't sleep and decided to take another stab at the blogging thing. I began the blog in August but never actually blogged anything!  (Note to self... Need to overcome procrastination in near future) Anyway, now Kristi cannot say that I am a slacker anymore.  I officially have a blog.
good night all

1 comment:

Rick and Sheri said...

Welcome to Blogland! I'm so glad you have entered the blog world. Now we can keep up with the Fergies! It really does get easier and you'll learn it all in no time! You're a smart cookie! I'm loving seeing the pictures and reading about what you're up to. Keep them coming!